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Categoria: Buskers (28)

Categoria: Buskers

Totale: 28

Fingers Mitchell Cullen Didge It Whaleshark Festival Tour WA

Girl joins rapper in the subway for an impromptu jam session (Infidelix ft. EllandM)

Improvisation in the subway of Berlin. I was in Berlin for a week and I was getting out the subway station when I heard the guy rapping. I turned around and walked towards him. After listening to him killing it in a couple of songs I couldn't help myself from wanting to sing with him. This is the result. It was a great experiece. The beat is a group called Phantogram, song "When I'm small". I did freestyle on the base while he rapped his song "Anthem of the Lost".

Glasgow Busker 'Ben Monteith' and Street Dancer 'Leo'

Irish flight delayed so trad session started between Daoirí Farrell, Geoff Kinsella and Robbie Walsh

So, this is what happened. The three of us came into the airport and the flight was delayed by nearly two hours.

Jewish men singing Pink Floyd's

Two guys playing music after midnight, in the wee hours of Sunday morning, on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem (July 2013). The guys are the talented Gat Brothers, Aryeh and Gil.

Juzzie Smith: one man band - Byron Bay markets

Kiss on the lips - The dualers

Si & Tyber Cranstoun do not perform together anymore, the brothers have gone their separate ways to perform their different genre's of music. Tyber still has the band name The Dualers and still gigs around the country, but not with his brother.

Lucky Chops @ Herald Sq

One man band: brilliant street performance by George kamikawa on burke street Melbourne

Busker George Kamikawa combines a Japanese background and love of blues music to surprise and entertain passers-by.

Peruvian One Man Band Busker & Puppet, pan flute music