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Categoria: Documentari (6446)

Categoria: Documentari

Sottocategorie (5634)

Totale: 812

25 years Walking Together - EN

We put the icing, in audio-visual format, on a great year. With 2018 coming to a close, the year of its 25th anniversary, and with Christmas around the corner we bring you a special gift, 25 years Walking Together. A documentary directed by Tommaso D'Elia that summarizes in 38 minutes the feelings that the recently concluded anniversary leaves and the views on Rototom of those of you who make it all possible. Festival goers, artists and the staff take the floor and outline from their perspectives the philosophy that makes the experience of the Sunsplash unique.
An ... continua

3 donne sul 14

Associazione di volontariatoIl Ventaglio - volontari per l'economia sociale
3 donne sul 14
Liberamente ispirato al frammento di "Emigranti" di S. Mrozek
3 donne straniere e un numero, il 14, che le accomuna tutte.
E' il numero del'autobus che prendono ogni giorno per andare al lavoro, per tornare a casa, per uscire con i loro bambini, i loro uomini e le loro amiche.
Salgono sull'autobus per compiere gesti quotidiani all'interno di un viaggio più grande, il viaggio di una vita, fatto di piccole tappe, di andate e ritorni: il viaggio verso ... continua

3.000 km senza controlli in un Italia arancione e rossa

30 Años de Madres

Homenaje a los 30 años de la Asociacion Madres de Plaza de Mayo - Linea fundadora Ediciones Soledad Gonnet

329 Pablo de Rokha - La Pirámide / Chile

Documental sobre la vida del poeta Pablo de Rokha, del realizador chileno Juan Pablo del Río. Pablo de Rokha, seudónimo de Carlos Ignacio Díaz Loyola (Licantén, provincia de Curicó; 17 de octubre de 1894-Santiago, provincia de Santiago; 10 de septiembre de 1968), fue un poeta chileno, Premio Nacional de Literatura 1965. Considerado uno de los cuatro grandes de la poesía chilena -junto con Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda y Vicente Huidobro-, fue un vanguardista que ejerció una gran influencia en la lírica de su país. Wikipedia Publicado por: CYTV_PRODUCCIONES ... continua

4) - The Art of Resistance

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

5) - Dance of Death

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

5G: La strage degli alberi

Stanno devastando il paese senza che noi ce ne accorgiamo

7 mila miglia lontano

8 uomini in viaggio dall'india all'italia su 4 moto indianeRoyal EnfieldRegia: Valerio FerrarioProduzione: jyothi nilayaSceneggiatura: Valerio FerrarioFotografia: Valerio FerrarioCostumi: Valerio FerrarioMusiche: andrea ricci e solidamòr, solidamòr, fratelli la biondaMontaggio: Valerio Ferrario e Selene de RuiCast: giuliano radici, andrea gilberti, stefano zarpellon, jean claude manfredi, theo volpatti, damiano nava, pierangelo reboldi, valerio ferrario

7) - Globalization at Gunpoint - The Economics of Occupation

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua