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Categoria: archive.org (1334)

Categoria: archive.org

Totale: 287

I eat your skin

Writer Tom Harris travels to Voodoo Island to do research for his next novel, but he discovers the islanders' sacrificial traditions may be more literal than symbolic

Meet John Doe

Meet John Doe is a 1941 in film United States comedy film drama film film directed and produced by Frank Capra, and starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. The film is about a "grassroots" political campaign created unwittingly by a newspaper columnist and pursued by a wealthy businessman. It became a box office hit and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Story. Though the film is less well known than other Frank Capra classics, it remains highly regarded today. It was ranked #49 in AFI's 100 Years... 100 Cheers. In 1969, the film entered the List of films ... continua

Shadows of death

With the railroad coming to Red Rock, trouble is expected and Billy (Buster Crabbe) has been sent ot help his friend Fuzzy (Al St. John) who is the town's Sheriff, Judge, and barber. When the man that sent Billy is murdered and the railroad location map stolen, broken match sticks point to Vic Landreau. While Billy tries to find the missing map, Landreau suspects Billy is on to him and plans to have him killed

D W Griffith's the sealed room

The Sealed Room is an eleven minute film released in 1909 in film. Directed by D.W. Griffith, the film's cast included Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard, Henry B. Walthall, Mary Pickford, and Mack Sennett. The film was also known as The Sealed Door. and Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado". The king constructs a cozy, windowless love-nest for himself and his concubine. However, she is not faithful to her sovereign, but consorts with the court troubadour. In fact, they use the king's new play chamber for their trysts. When the king discovers this, he sends for ... continua

The Ape

Mad scientist creates an experimental serum.

Romance of the redwoods

A romance of the redwoods is a 1917 American silent film drama film directed by Cecil B. DeMille and starring Mary Pickford. A print of the film survives in the film archive at George Eastman House.

The nut farm

Bob (Oscar Apfel) and Helen (Betty Alden) decide to move to California and make a fresh start. Bob wants to buy a nut farm, but Helen dreams of being in the movies The nut farm is a 1935 American film directed by Melville W. Brown.

Wolf blood

Dick Bannister is the new field boss of the Ford Logging Company, a Canadian logging-crew during a time when conflicts with the powerful Consolidated Lumber Company, a bitter rival company, have turned bloody, like a private war. His boss, Miss Edith Ford, comes to inspect the lumberjack camp, bringing her doctor fiancé with her. Dick is attacked by his rivals and left for dead. His loss of blood is so great that he needs a transfusion, but no human will volunteer, so the surgeon uses a wolf as a source of the blood. Afterwards, Dick begins having dreams where he ... continua

His first flame

Fire chief Amos McCarthy, a confirmed misogynist, counsels his nephew Harry Howells to avoid matrimony at all costs. Still, the lovestruck Harry is determined to marry his sweetheart Ethel. All that changes, though, when it turns out Ethel is a faithless gold-digger. Disillusioned, Harry spends the night in his uncle's fire house to try and forget his troubles... until the clamor of a fire alarm presents the bumbling Harry with a chance to be a hero

The front page

An investigative reporter sees an opportunity for the story of a lifetime when an accused murderer escapes hanging